It's 7am & I wake up thinking about my father's one year memorial service. As things progress, it seems like I will not be able to attend. Someone told me that being in the middle of the Mediterranean will also be an appropriate way to commemorate my father's memory.

I think of asking
Nadav to shoot the service for me & for the film. I start to imagine the people, my family, my father's grave & the way I want it all to be shot. I guess I was falling asleep again at that point - suddenly I see my father there, he is sitting far with his back to everybody, introverted. his old camera in is lap, concealed in it's case, strap around he's shoulder. I approach him, to ask why he's not joining everybody, but before I get an answer, it all fades away. Thanks
(Just got a call from the
Greenhouse project, they really liked my
proffer, but wondered about the dates - their first workshop, in turkey, falls on the day of the memorial service. If I can not be there, they won't take my project. I think I really can't be there for that workshop, as I've stated above, but who knows...).
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